GW2 Timer app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: Rathachat Young
First release : 08 Jun 2016
App size: 112.68 Mb
GW2 Timer with HoT, Dry Top, Waypoint name, Waypoint code, Boss Map with Daily Boss, Daily Fractal, and Node Run Route!
Better design, Simple to use, Gorgeous boss/map images!
“NEVER have to ask, WHEN & WHERE is the next Boss ever again!” – a GW2 gamer (beta user)
Made with Love by an indie app developer <3 (@iLovePorkDumpling, a reddit user. Send me a hello, anytime)
If you find any bugs/issues, ping me directly @iLovePorkDumpling or via a Contact Me email and I will fix it for you.
* Heart of Thorns (HoT) and Dry Top’s Bosses included
* Countdown timer to the seconds
* Maps with Boss’s location, Waypoint name, and Waypoint Code
* Notifications of Bosses/Events start time, SWIPE to manage notifications! So Easy!
* 15 minutes reminder before the event’s start time (options in settings)
* Daily Achievements (including Daily Fractals) at your fingertips with Daily Boss’s Location
* Node Run Route shows you permanent nodes with optimal run route! Earning gold made easy!
* Have GW2 Timer countdowns display on as you are playing Guild Wars 2! Always know WHEN & WHERE is next boss without Alt-Tab out of your game, with “Disable Auto-Lock” feature! Best GW2 gamer’s companion <3
Absolutely FREE! Download Today.
GW2 Timer is a timer utility app for Guild Wars 2 (GW2) gamers. It provides countdown timer and notifications of Tyria’s world bosses spawn time, including Dry Top’s Bosses and Heart of Thorns meta events with exact Boss’s locations and waypoint codes.